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Search Results

Moving Carbonite Safe to Another Windows Computer

You can transfer your Carbonite Safe subscription from your old computer to your new or repaired computer to restore your files or start a new backup.

Transferring Your Carbonite Safe Subscription to Restore Files

You can transfer your Carbonite Safe subscription to restore your files to another computer.

Restoring from a Courier Recovery Drive for Carbonite Safe Plans

You can move your files from the recovery hard drive to your computer after you connect the external hard drive to your machine. After the data has been placed onto your system, you can continue your backup and ensure that your files are selected.

Backing Up Files on an External Hard Drive

You can back up files on a compatible external hard drive with Carbonite.

Getting Started with Carbonite Safe

You can use the Carbonite application to back up your files to Carbonite’s secure servers. When you need to get your files back, you can use Carbonite to restore your files at any time.

Transferring Carbonite Safe Between Windows and Mac

You can transfer your existing Carbonite Safe subscription from Windows to a Mac computer.

Importing Your iTunes Music

You can import your iTunes data by downloading the backed up copy and moving it into the correct location. After you finish restoring and moving the files, you may have to assign songs that were not originally located within the iTunes Media folder.

Importing Internet Explorer Favorites

Your Internet Explorer favorites are individual files. They are shortcuts to web sites you choose to save. You can restore your Internet Explorer favorites with the Carbonite Backup Drive and move them to the correct location on your computer.

Message: "Getting files stopped"

When attempting a restore, the restore stops with message that says "Getting files stopped"

Carbonite Post-Restore Checklist

This checklist will assist you with performing post restore functions to get your data where it needs to be and resume your backup.

Importing Favorites into Microsoft Edge

You can import your favorites from Internet Explorer into Edge through the browser. You can move any Internet Shortcut files (favorites) into the correct Microsoft Edge folder in order to have your favorites appear in Edge.

Importing Neat Data

Neat stores all of its data in a single user directory. If you need to restore your Neat data, Carbonite recommends restoring these files to your Desktop. You can import your restored Neat data back into Neat with these instructions.

Importing Your Sticky Notes

You can easily restore your backed up Sticky Notes data file through the Carbonite Backup Drive. The only way to import your restored Sticky Notes data file is to move it to the correct location on your computer.

Known Issue: Unable to Select Files for Back Up

Some files such as pictures and .PDFs can occasionally be marked as temporary files due to the nature of the software used to create or import them. Files with the temporary attribute cannot be backed up by Carbonite. In most cases, a new copy of the file can be created that would remove this attribute and allow Carbonite to select it for backup. This can be done by zipping the file with the Windows compression tool, and then unzipping it.

Carbonite Icon Notification Area Meanings

The Carbonite icon displays information about your Carbonite backup at a glance.

Transferring Your Carbonite Safe Subscription to Restore Files (Mac 2x)

You can transfer your Carbonite Safe subscription to restore your files to another computer.

Uninstalling Carbonite (Mac 2x)

You can remove Carbonite from your computer if you no longer wish to back up your files.

Manually Uninstalling (Mac 2x)

If you have trouble uninstalling Carbonite from within the Carbonite User Interface, you can delete Carbonite's files from your computer to uninstall it manually.

Backing Up Files on an External Hard Drive (Mac 1x)

You can use Carbonite to back up files on an external hard drive from Carbonite within the Apple System Preferences.

Stuck Backup and Backup Errors (Mac 1x)

If your backup appears slow or stuck on your Mac, there are steps you can take to resolve the issue.

Low Priority Mode

By default, Carbonite backs up your files as quickly as possible without interfering with other programs or services. The Low Priority option can be used to slow Carbonite down if you find it is affecting another service, such as VoIP telephony (e.g., Skype and Vonage).

Hibernation and Sleep Mode

You need to configure your Windows hibernation and sleep settings so Carbonite's connection to your computer is not disrupted during a backup or restore.

Scheduling Your Backup for Carbonite Safe

Carbonite is designed to always be running. You can alternatively schedule your backup to start at a specific time or prevent backup activity between certain hours. Creating a custom schedule allows you to control when Carbonite uses your system resources.

Switching from Manual to Automatic Backup

When you first install Carbonite, you'll be given the choice between an Automatic or Advanced setup. The Automatic setup includes your user folders in your backup. If you initially selected the Advanced setup to start with nothing in your backup, you can switch to the Automatic setup from within the Carbonite InfoCenter / application.

Known Issue: Asus WebStorage Prevents Carbonite Status Dots from Appearing

Asus WebStorage uses icon overlays on files within Windows Explorer like Carbonite. As a result, this app can conflict with Carbonite and prevent it from displaying the status dots on your pending and backed up files.

Supported Operating Systems for Carbonite Safe

Carbonite supports current Windows and Mac operating systems in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

The Backup Settings Page / Settings Tab for Carbonite Safe

You can configure Carbonite's settings so that system resources are used more efficiently. The Settings tab of the Carbonite InfoCenter (or the Backup settings page of the Carbonite application) allows you to toggle Carbonite's default backup selections, control how Carbonite uses Internet bandwidth, toggle Carbonite's colored status dots on or off, and set a backup schedule.

Importing Family Tree Maker Data

Family Tree Maker stores its data in separate file types, depending on the type of data recorded. If you need to restore your Family Tree Maker data, Carbonite recommends restoring these files to your Desktop. You can import your restored Family Tree Maker data back into Family Tree Maker with these instructions.

Changing Your Email Address for Your Carbonite Safe Account

You can sign into your Carbonite Safe account to update your email address.

Viewing Your Expiration and Renewal Dates for Carbonite Safe

We will remind you to renew your Carbonite subscription prior to expiration if you are not enrolled in automatic renewal. If your subscription is not renewed, your backed up files will be removed from our servers within 30 days of your subscription expiration.

Upgrading Your Carbonite Safe Subscription

You can upgrade your Carbonite Safe plan to a Carbonite Safe Plus or Prime subscription to backup an external hard drive, automatically back up video files, and take advantage of Courier Recovery.

File Types Carbonite Backs Up for Carbonite Safe

Carbonite automatically backs up the files that are most important to you, such as your pictures, documents and music. By intelligently scanning your computer, Carbonite does not include unnecessary files, which improves backup and restore speeds. Less common types of files can be manually added to your Carbonite backup. Review this article to understand what is and is not included in your backup.

Entering and Exiting Recover Mode

When Carbonite scans for files to back up, it removes files you delete from the backup after 30 or 60 days to ensure your backup is up to date. You can enter Recover Mode to stop this timer if you need more time to restore your files. After your files are safely restored, you can exit Recover Mode to start backing up your files again.

Encryption Key Password

You can choose an optional password for your encryption key during the initial installation

Disabling or Enabling Colored Dots on Files

Carbonite places colored status dots on your files and folders to indicate their backup status. Keeping the colored status dots enabled allows you to easily and quickly determine the status of your backed up files. The colored status dots can be enabled or disabled from within the Carbonite InfoCenter / application.

Searching For Files to Restore

You can use Carbonite's Search and Restore function to restore files to their original location or to the desktop.

Selecting Files for Backup

Carbonite automatically selects the data associated with your computer profiles. You can select additional data by right-clicking on the file or folder and selecting Carbonite; Back this up.

Viewing the Restore Status

When Carbonite is restoring files, you can view the restore status to determine how much longer the restore may take to complete.

Carbonite Windows Version Release Notes

Carbonite Version 6.4.6 is the latest version of the Carbonite product. We are sure you will like the many enhanced features. Installing and identifying your computer(s) is easier than ever. Backing up your files is simpler and there is additional information provided about the status of your backed up files. Restoring your files is now even quicker and easier with additional choices for files you would like to restore first and choosing a destination for your restored files.

Windows Defender Controlled Folder Access and Carbonite

Controlled Folder Access is a feature included in Windows Defender for the Windows 10 Fall Creator’s Update. It is designed to prevent ransomware from encrypting your files. Controlled Folder Access can prevent Carbonite from being installed or updated, and it can also prevent Carbonite from being able to back up and restore your files. At this time, it is not recommended to actively use both Controlled Folder Access and Carbonite on the same computer.

Recovering from Crypto Viruses and Other Ransomware

CryptoLocker / Crypto Virus is a virus that encrypts your files and holds them for ransom unless you pay a fee to unlock them. If you have CryptoLocker and are unable to access your files, you should contact Carbonite Customer Care for help restoring a clean copy of your backed up files.

Purchasing An Additional Carbonite Safe Subscription

You can purchase a Carbonite Safe subscription for each computer that you’d like to back up.

Locating the Carbonite Icon

The Carbonite icon is located in your Windows notification area / system tray at the bottom right of your screen. The Carbonite icon can be used to check the status of your backup, view and set options, and/or get assistance.

Carbonite Plans and Features

This article covers the Carbonite Safe plans, features, and prices.

Locating Your Files After a Restore

Carbonite can restore your files to their original location or a new location of your choosing. If your files do not appear in their original locations, check your user folders (e.g. My Documents, Pictures, My Music, etc.).

Starting Your Backup Over

You can start your backup over by deselecting all files from within your Carbonite Backup Drive and reselecting only the locations you wish to back up. Any file not reselected for back up will be removed from our servers within 72 hours.

Restoring Previous File Versions

Carbonite keeps up to 12 versions of your changed files, so that you have multiple points in time to restore from in the event of a disaster. Review this article for more details on how Carbonite handles previous versions of your files, and how you can restore them with the Carbonite software.

Backing Up Dropbox Files

You can select files in your Dropbox folder by right-clicking on them and selecting Carbonite; Back this up.

Pausing and Resuming Carbonite

Pausing Carbonite causes it to stop uploading your files to the Carbonite servers. Carbonite will continue to scan your computer for changes while paused. You can pause Carbonite for an increment of time. Carbonite can be paused to free up system resources for immediate use by another service or delay back up until a later time.

The Carbonite Icon

The Carbonite icon menu provides quick and easy access to the most frequently used Carbonite options. You can launch the Carbonite application, search for files to restore, and pause your backup while restoring files.
