Carbonite Support > Importing Internet Explorer Fa...

Importing Internet Explorer Favorites


Internet Explorer saves your favorites in separate files under your username. Please follow the instructions outlined below to restore and import your files back into Internet Explorer. Please choose the scenario that best fits your situation below.

  • This article is for Windows only


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I still need to restore the files

How to Restore Your Internet Explorer Favorites

In here we'll guide you through restoring your data and then on how to import it into the program. There are a couple of things that need to be in place for the restore and import to work.

  • Ensure Internet Explorer is installed on your computer.
  • Ensure Recover Mode is enabled. This makes it so that no update to files or any new files are backed up to Carbonite while in this mode and it lets the restore run as smooth as possible.

Let's begin by opening the Carbonite Backup Drive through the File Explorer window (alternatively called Windows Explorer in older Windows operating systems). Do this by double-clicking the Carbonite Backup Drive icon.

Carbonite Backup Drive Icon

You'll see the Carbonite Backup Drive displayed. This shows all of the files in your backupA set of copies of your files on our servers. organized the same way they are on your computer.

Double-click the Backed Up Files icon.

Backed Up Files icon

Browse to the location where your Internet Explorer Favorites are located (i.e. where it was when you backed it up). The default locations are as follows:

Windows XP:

Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10:

Once you found the files, you can restore it with the help of the instructions below:

  1. In the Carbonite Backup Drive, right-click on the files and select Restore To....
  2. In the Browse for Folder window, select a location to restore and click OK.
    • It's recommended that you map them to the current Favorites folder under your user. You can use the locations above to help you find the correct path.

Once the files have been restored, you can import the data into the program.

I've already restored and need to import the files

If you need help importing your restored data, please work with Microsoft Support or a local computer technician.

How to Import Your Internet Explorer Favorites

If you restored them to your new user path, then all you need to do is open Internet Explorer to see your favorites again. If you didn't restore the files to the Favorites folder, please locate your restored files and copy and paste them into the correct user's Favorites folder. The default locations are listed below.

For Favorites on Windows XP:

For Favorites on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10:

Once you've finished your restore and got everything back into the program, you're all set. If you want to resume your back up again, please exit Recover Mode with the instructions in this article.
