Carbonite Support > Search Results

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Search Results
Carbonite Certifications
Below is a list of certificates and/or compliance with various financial and privacy-related protocols and standards.
Account Ownership for Carbonite Safe
The credit card holder on the Carbonite account is the account owner. If there is no credit card on file, then the owner is the person whose email address is associated with the account and who can successfully answer the security questions.
Security Certificate Expired
If a 'Security Certificate has Expired' pop-up notification is displayed during installation, check your computer's system clock. This message appears if the system clock is not set to the current time. You should be able to install correctly after correctly setting your system clock.
Known Issue: "Carbonite File Access is Currently Unable to Locate Files and Folders with Special Characters" or Red X Appears in Anytime Anywhere Access
Anytime Anywhere Access may display an error when attempting to download certain folders or files. This is caused either by the inclusion of special characters in the folder or file name, or for security. You may also see a red X on a file in AAA, meaning the file cannot be downloaded. Carbonite's Anytime Anywhere Access system prevents the download of files that may contain personal credentials. Review this KB for more details.
Transferring Your Carbonite Safe Subscription to Restore Files
You can transfer your Carbonite Safe subscription to restore your files to another computer.
Carbonite Windows Version Release Notes
Carbonite Version 6.4.6 is the latest version of the Carbonite product. We are sure you will like the many enhanced features. Installing and identifying your computer(s) is easier than ever. Backing up your files is simpler and there is additional information provided about the status of your backed up files. Restoring your files is now even quicker and easier with additional choices for files you would like to restore first and choosing a destination for your restored files.
Opening the Carbonite Interface
The Carbonite interface displays information about your backup, subscription and account. The Carbonite interface allows you to set a backup schedule, restore files, manage your Carbonite account, and instruct Carbonite to use less of your Internet bandwidth.
Stuck Backup and Backup Errors (Mac 1x)
If your backup appears slow or stuck on your Mac, there are steps you can take to resolve the issue.
Restoring from a Courier Recovery Drive for Carbonite Safe Plans
You can move your files from the recovery hard drive to your computer after you connect the external hard drive to your machine. After the data has been placed onto your system, you can continue your backup and ensure that your files are selected.
FAQ: What Is Cloud Backup?
What Is cloud backup?