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Partner Portal

- Partner and Safe and Safe Pro and Safe Server Products

As a Carbonite Partner, you can set up accounts, purchase, activate, renew, upgrade, monitor your customers' subscriptions, and perform other actions through the Portal. You also have access to marketing, sales and training resources that will help you promote Carbonite and rapidly grow your business.

Purchasing Carbonite Through the Partner Portal

- Partner and Safe Pro and Safe and Safe Server Products

You can purchase Carbonite Safe, Safe Pro and Safe Server subscriptions through the Partner Portal. These subscription plans come in one, two, or three year increments.

Accessing a Safe Pro Account Through the Partner Portal

- Partner and Safe Pro and Safe Server Products

Any account that you are an administrator for will be displayed with the word 'Administrator' within the ACCOUNTS tab. If you are an administrator for one of your accounts, you can view the backup status, add/remove users and computers on the account, and perform all actions that a normal Carbonite administrator can perform on an account.

Updating Clients to the Latest Version of Carbonite for Windows

- Partner and Safe and Safe Pro Products

The current SSL server certification for Carbonite Windows backups expires on May 30th, 2020. It is imperative that your clients update to the latest product version of Carbonite, which has the updated certificate.

Requesting Administrator Access from Existing Safe Pro Accounts

- Partner and Safe Pro Products

You can request administrator access from your existing Safe Pro accounts through the Partner Portal. Your customer will receive a pop-up when they log into their account when you request permission to administrate their account.

Releasing an Account

- Partner and Safe Server and Safe and Safe Pro Products

You can release a customer from your account through the Partner Portal. Any customer you release from your account will need to renew on their own through the Carbonite website after their subscription expires. Releasing a customer from your account will not cause any backed up data to be lost.

Installing Carbonite and Activating an Account

- Partner and Safe and Safe Pro Products

As a Carbonite Partner, you can install Carbonite on your customer's computer and activate their account.

Monitoring Your Customers

- Partner and Safe Pro and Safe Server and Safe Products

Monitoring your customers accounts can be done through the Partner Portal. You will be able to view information pertaining to the amount of data backed up and any computers which are not backing up.

Reinstalling Carbonite Safe Backup Pro for Your Clients

- Safe Pro and Partner Products

If you have access to your client’s computer, you can use the Partner Portal to reinstall Carbonite Safe Backup Pro.

Resetting a Carbonite Client's Password

- Partner and Safe and Safe Pro and Safe Server Products

As a partner, you can send password reset emails to a client with a Safe Pro account should they ever have difficulty signing in. The emails contain a link that the user can click to begin the password reset email process.
