Carbonite Support > Restoring All of Your Files fo...

Restoring All of Your Files for Carbonite Safe Backup Pro (Mac 2x)


When you restore your files, you download them from our cloud to your computer. You can install Carbonite on a new Mac and restore all of your files with the Carbonite interface.


The sections below are collapsed. Please click a section title to open / close the appropriate section.

Step 1: Sign In and Install Carbonite

From the computer you would like to restore the data to, sign into your account at or with the button below.

Sign In

Locate the computer that you wish to restore and select Restore this backup from the Computer Actions dropdown menu.

Select Restore this backup

Click Complete Restore on the next page.

Select Complete Restore

You will be presented with the steps of the restore. Click Next>.

Click Next

Then click Install to download Carbonite.

Click Install

You will be taken through the Restore Assistant in the next section.

Next, double-click the installer and run through the installation steps.

Step 2: Restore Your Files

During the installation, you'll have the option to either restore your files or to start a new backup. To restore your files, use the Change button to select a restore location, then click Continue.

Restore all of your files

If you don't see the progress of the restore displayed, click the File Recovery tab in the Carbonite User Interface.

Carbonite User Interface: Restore Status

Step 3: Configure Your Power Settings

You can improve the speed of your restore by making sure that your computer remains on and connected to the internet. Your Mac's power settings can be accessed through Energy Saver in your System Preferences.

Click the Apple symbol in the menu bar and select System Preferences.

Apple Menu: System Preferences

Within the System Preferences window, click the Energy Saver icon to open the Energy Saver pane.

System Preferences Window

If the Computer Sleep Slider is Present...

  1. Set the Computer sleep: slider bar to Never.
  2. Unmark Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible.
Energy Saver Pane

If the Computer Sleep Slider is Not Present

  1. Check the Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off.
  2. Unmark Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible.
Energy Saver Pane

After making these adjustments, close System Preferences. You can continue with your normal computer tasks.

To change these settings back later, follow these instructions again. When you reach the step for adjusting the settings to Never, click Restore Defaults instead.

After Restore and Next Steps

At this point, your restore will progress automatically. You can use your computer as needed, but please try not to move or delete any restored files while the restore is happening to avoid potential issues.

After the restore is finished, please use our post-restore checklist article to guide you through what to do after a restore completes and ensure you are ready to continue using Carbonite.
