Carbonite Support > Finding Large Files via PowerS...

Finding Large Files via PowerShell


File System backups with Carbonite Safe Server Backup (CSSB) are "file level." If a file changes, the entire file is backed up next time CSSB performs a backup that includes that file.

As a result, Incremental and/or Differential backups can be larger than expected.

Unfortunately, CSSB does not have a way to check the size of the files included in any given backup, so we must turn to Windows PowerShell to determine which files have changed.

This article applies to:

Carbonite Plans Products Platforms
Power and Ultimate plans (Not sure?) Carbonite Safe Server Backup (Not sure?) Windows


Find the Large Files via Windows PowerShell

  1. Open Windows PowerShell by any means.
    • Example: Open your Start Menu and type "PowerShell".
  2. Paste the following command and then press Enter:
    Get-ChildItem -Path (Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter path') -Recurse -Force | Where-Object{$_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-3)} | sort -Descending -Property length | select -First 100 | Format-Table -Wrap -Property length, lastwritetime, fullname
  3. This command will prompt you to enter a drive or path to scan:
    • You must end this path with a \ character.
      • Example 1: C:\
      • Example 2: \\Some\Network\Folder\
      • Example 3: D:\Some\Folder\

Command Details

  • The command will scan all sub-folders within the path you provide and return the 100 largest files modified in the last 3 days.
  • Please be patient. There is no progress bar or other display of progress.
    • Paths that contain many files/folders will take longer to scan.
  • Results will be displayed within the PowerShell window once the scan is complete.
    • If you wish to output to a file instead, please see the modified command below.
  • This command assumes you have permission to access the folder, drive, or network location you choose.
    • It will not prompt you for credentials. Instead, errors will be displayed if a path cannot be scanned for any reason.
    • It is normal for some paths to be inaccessible.
    • Certain system folders, such as C:\Windows\, are most likely to throw access errors.
    • Use Run As Administrator when opening PowerShell to reduce the number of access issues.
  • File size is returned in bytes.
  • You may download this command in .ps1 script format here. (Unzip the downloaded file for the .ps1 file)

Modifying the Command

  • You can change many things about this command, such as the number of items to return or how far back to look.
    • The number of files returned is controlled in the "select -First" part of the command. Change the number to change the number of files returned.
      • Example: Enter 200 to return the 200 largest files.
    • The timeframe is controlled in the "(Get-Date).AddDays" command. Change the number to change the number of days. This number must be negative.
      • Examples: Enter -3 for the last three days. Enter -7 for the last week. And so on.
  • You may also change the command to output to a file instead of within the PowerShell Window. For convenience, here is the modified command:
    Get-ChildItem -Path (Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter path') -Recurse -Force | Where-Object{$_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-3)} | sort -Descending -Property length | select -First 100 | Format-Table -Wrap -Property length, lastwritetime, fullname | Out-File C:\Some\Folder\SomeName.txt
    • You must supply a valid path for the output file at the end of the command.
