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Importing into Microsoft Outlook for Mac


Microsoft stores your Outlook information in data files. These files contain all the emails, contacts, calendar events, etc. that you see in Outlook.

Depending on your version of Outlook, Microsoft stores the data in the following locations by default:

Outlook Version Outlook Data Location
Outlook 2016
  • /Users/[Username]/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles
Outlook 2011

  • /Users/[Username]/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities/Main Identity/Database
  • /Users/[Username]/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities/Main Identity/Data Records
Before following the importing instructions below, please ensure you have restored the files with Carbonite so you can navigate to those files within the Microsoft program.


Importing an .OLM File into Outlook 2016

An .OLM file is the data file used by Outlook for Mac to archive your email messages, contacts, calendar items, tasks, and notes. To import the file into Outlook:

  1. Open Outlook and click Tools; Import.
  2. In the Import window, select Outlook for Mac archive file (.OLM) and click Continue.
  3. Browse to the location of the .OLM file you restored and click Import.

Your e-mails, notes, calendar items, contacts, and Outlook journal entries will be restored. You can repeat this process for another .OLM file.

Importing Identities from Outlook 2011 into Outlook 2016

A profile, also known as an identity in Outlook for Mac 2011, is the set of data contained in Outlook that includes accounts, email messages, contacts, calendar items, tasks, notes, categories, rules, and signatures. Outlook 2016 for Mac supports importing Outlook for Mac 2011 identities, a process typically used when upgrading from Outlook 2011 to Outlook 2016 for Mac.

An Outlook for Mac 2011 identity can only be imported into an empty Outlook 2016 for Mac profile. An empty profile is one where accounts or other data have yet to be added. We suggest you create a new empty profile in Outlook 2016 for Mac using the Outlook Profile Manager, then proceed with the steps below.
  1. Open Outlook and click Tools; Import.
  2. In the Import window, select Outlook 2011 data on this computer and click Continue.
  3. Browse to the location of the identity you restored and click Continue.

This will restore your e-mails, notes, calendar items, contacts, and Outlook journal entries. You can repeat this process for another Outlook profile.

For additional information about importing email messages, contacts, and other items into Outlook 2016, please review this Microsoft Support article.
