Carbonite Support > How to Make amandabackup / Car...

How to Make amandabackup / CarboniteUser a Domain User

  • This article is for Windows only


Carbonite Safe Server Backup (CSSB) creates the amandabackup / CarboniteUser user during installation. This user is used for backup and restoration, and is critical to the process.

The amandabackup / CarboniteUser user is created on the domain by default if a domain is detected. Users can choose to create the user locally instead. If no domain is detected, amandabackup / CarboniteUser is created locally.

To change from a local amandabackup / CarboniteUser user to a domain amandabackup / CarboniteUser user, follow these steps.


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Option 1: Allow the installer to create the domain amandabackup / CarboniteUser user

The installer can take care of the amandabackup / CarboniteUser account creation, even on a domain.

On any machine that is currently running CSSB, do the following:

  1. Uninstall CSSB.
  2. During the uninstallation, you will be asked if you wish to preserve configuration details.
  3. Say yes to preserve configuration details.
  4. Reinstall CSSB.
  5. During installation, you will be asked to create the amandabackup / CarboniteUser user account.
    1. Be sure to choose the domain option.

If there are additional machines that run CSSB, please repeat steps 1-4 on each machine. On step 5, you will be asked to provide the password for the existing domain amandabackup / CarboniteUser account.

Option 2: Add the domain amandabackup / CarboniteUser user manually

Create amandabackup / CarboniteUser in Active Directory

On the domain controller:

  1. Create a new user in Active Directory.
  2. Enter amandabackup / CarboniteUser as the User Logon Name.
  3. Create a password for the amandabackup / CarboniteUser user.
  4. Be sure that the user must change password at next logon option is disabled.
  5. Be sure that the password never expires option is enabled.
  6. Add amandabackup / CarboniteUser to the following groups:
    • Administrators
    • Backup Operators
    • Domain Users
    • Users

Once the account is created on the domain, we must force CSSB to use the domain amandabackup / CarboniteUser user for the CSSB Services.

Change the CSSB Services to use the new domain amandabackup / CarboniteUser user

Perform the following steps on every system that needs to use the new domain amandabackup / CarboniteUser user:

  1. Open Services.msc.
  2. Locate Carbonite Server Backup Controller.
  3. Right-click and choose Properties.
  4. Go to the Log On tab.
  5. Change the log-on user to use the domain amandabackup / CarboniteUser user account instead of the local account.
  6. Apply the changes and restart the service.
  7. Repeat these steps for Carbonite Server Cloud Controller also.

If the password for the domain amandabackup / CarboniteUser user is identical to the password for the original local amandabackup / CarboniteUser user account, no further steps are necessary.

If the password is not the same, do the following:

  1. Open CSSB.
  2. Click Preferences; Advanced.
  3. Use the Update Password option to change the password stored for the amandabackup / CarboniteUser user.