Carbonite Support > Importing Your iTunes Media

Importing Your iTunes Media


You can import your restored iTunes media into iTunes by restoring the iTunes folder to a new location on your computer and then add it to your library through the iTunes software.

This article is for Mac - View the Windows article


By default, Apple stores your local media files in an iTunes Media folder on your Mac.

If you purchased music, movies, or TV shows from Apple or subscribe to Apple Music, the data can be restored by re-downloading your purchases or by turning on iCloud Music Library.
Media Type iTunes Data Location
Music Macintosh HD/Users/[User Name]/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music
Videos Macintosh HD/Users/[User Name]/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Home Videos
Before following the importing instructions below, please ensure you have restored the files with Carbonite so you can navigate to those files within the program.
  1. In the iTunes app on your Mac, choose File > Add to Library.
  2. Locate a file or folder that you restored using Carbonite and click Open.

After completing the steps, a copy of all the files will be added to your library in the default location and leave the original files in the existing location.

If you need help importing your restored data, please work with a local technician.
